Yachting World Swing Moorings Port Vila, Vanuatu.

Visiting yachts to Port Vila will appreciate our moorings. One thing we realized when we first began our cruising yacht hosting business back in 1980 was that you will need swing moorings to tie up to when you arrive. This is because Port Vila is deep and the few places where it is shallow enough to anchor easily is filled with local boats. So visiting yachts would have to anchor in depths of 30 to 40 metres or tie up to the sea wall.
What's more, the bottom of the protected inner harbour has a black mud bottom that strips galvanizing off of chain in record time. And there are old wrecks that clutter the deep water and can snag an anchor.
Our goal was for you to enjoy your stay here in Port Vila without needing to fight over limited shallow water anchoring or put out 90 meters of chain. So we set up an extensive network of solid and well engineered and looked after moorings. Now all you need to do is breeze in, contact us and we will help you pick up a mooring, and relax without worry.
They are serviceable for boats up to 20m and include free water from the Yachting World fuel wharf whenever you need to fill your tanks.
If you would like to use one of our moorings please fill out the Yachting World Agreement form and email it to us with your expected date of arrival and how long you anticipate staying. We will get back to you as soon as possible to let you know if your mooring is available on the dates you anticipate using.
Please note that the Harbour Master regulations prohibits boats rafting up on moorings and prohibits your throwing any trash or garbage in the water. You may not pump oily bilge water into the harbour either. You can put your trash and garbage in our garbage bins located behind the Waterfront Bar and Grill.
The yellow lid biosecurity bins are for food waste upon initial arrival into the country only. All on-going rubbish is to be placed in the yachting world rubbish enclosure towards the end of driveway
There are environmental and safety reasons for these regulations and also, as you will see, people are forever swimming around in the harbour and there is a lovely and popular tourist beach just downwind from the moorings. So please obey the regulations and keep everyone happy.
Yachts with masts exceeding 23m in height need to enter the inner harbour via the southern dredged channel. Click here for details.